Online resources: how to find an open-access thesis
Online resources: how to find an open-access thesis?

There are many portals giving access to thesis, whether French, European or international. When the full text is not available online, it is possible to consult a summary and my premium essay. Here is a selection.

International thesis:

The Open Dissertation and Thesis portal provides access to more than 5 million theses from 1100 universities or research centers.

The Networked digital Libraries Theses and Dissertations host mainly American and Canadian theses, but there are also partnerships with foreign and European universities (including Dart Europe). In all, more than 6 million theses are listed there.

French thesis:

The national portal lists all theses, defended or in preparation, in French universities and validated by the jury. This is the official MESRI portal. Depending on the policy of the defending university, and the authorization of the author, the thesis may or may not be offered in full text: a filter allows you to refine your search to obtain only accessible theses. The search can be done by the title, keywords, author, thesis director, university of defence (eg Paris 4 or Sorbonne University), doctoral school, discipline, date…

The TEL portal (Thèses en ligne) is a national open archive managed by the CNRS where theses are deposited – in principle with full access – by the authors themselves and under their responsibility. Unlike, it is not necessarily the official defence version: the two portals are therefore complementary. The search is possible by title, author, keywords, discipline, date or “collection” (set of repositories managed by a laboratory, an ED or a university). Note, there is also HDR and essay writer service.

European thesis:

The Dart Europe E-theses portal hosts 829,000 “open access” theses defended in one of the 620 universities located in 28 European countries. The search can be done by the author, title or by “browsing” by university, date or “collection” (open archives of European research units or centers)

Dialnet is a specialized portal for access to journals, conference proceedings and also theses in the Hispanic language (118,333 in open access). The search can be done in French or in Spanish.

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Online resources: how to find an open-access thesis
Are sites that do the homework for you any good?

There are many sites that offer you to do your homework for you for a fee… But are the essays up to standard? The Parisian went to check and Do My Homework.

There are more and more sites where it is possible to buy homework online. If already, the method is immoral, it is however legal. It is for this reason that Le Parisien decided to do a test in real conditions. On a theme of classical philosophy, the subject was “Is the law opposed to freedom? ».


The order is visibly simple because it is possible to order the text in two minutes. Depending on the assignment, a simulator calculates the price of the requested essay. And it is not given. Indeed, the Parisian explains that he paid 25.54 euros for the dissertation. But this one is short, only two pages long and sets aside the traditional plan of the philosophy dissertation, thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

Despite everything, the Parisian continues the experiment and receives the text in three days. Once the box is checked, “I am over 18”, the test is ordered. But once the dissertation is delivered, disappointment is present. Incomprehensible sentences, spelling mistakes, few quotations… The rendering is not conclusive. However, there is the possibility of requesting modifications. The second text is better, although light.

On this site, it is possible to contact the author of the text. The latter explains that the site’s anti-plagiarism software does not make it possible to make an ideal and complete copy. But even if the text has been lengthened and some references have been added, it is still not satisfactory. No big deal, the journalist from Le Parisien then went to present his copy to a philosophy teacher at the Marie-Curie high school in Versailles and buy essay writing service.


The professor’s verdict is final… 8/20! “There is no problem, the two-part plan weakens the assignment a lot, the terms of the subject are not analyzed and the expected references are missing,” explains the professor to Le Parisien. But maybe that’s the success of this site. The inconsistencies and above all “the shortcomings of this duty make it credible”. Indeed, it is difficult to see that with such an essay, the student cheated. “A teacher may think that it is the work of a student who lacks method and knowledge but who applies himself,” explains the teacher.

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