ATES post : Making tattoos on hands and body parts is now into fashion. But it originated long back since decades when tattoos were quite painful and lasted on the body till the body decays after death. Tattoos are of different kinds marking its priority as an integral part of fashion. Moving down to the prison tattoos has been introduced in the western countries and describes the treasure of unique tattoo art since long. Recently it has been guarded under the scanner of the mainstream tattoos by the artists who have been enjoying their popularity among the customers with an affinity of bad boy images.
How are these Prison Tattoos made
The prison style tattoos are made with crude equipment like staples, ballpoint pens, paper clips, rudimentary needles, molten rubber, Styrofoam and various other paraphernalia. These tattoos look quite rough when compared to the neat professional counterparts. Their lack of beauty is adequate when compensated for their strong narrative.
These prison tattoo designs are popular inside the prison as they are outside. This comes with no surprise as they are quite commonly sported by men than on women. The basics one can be the Russian prison tattoo which bears a religious connotation and is not that easy to ignore. They make a note of the cross at their background and a dagger which is plunged into head and looks more like a devil. This signifies the priority of Mexican and Russian criminals who are also hardcore Catholics and greatly influences the tattoo art which they design on their body. In comparison to American prison tattoos being for their macabre nature. Just like the Adam apple which signifies racist ideologies. Looking close at the forearm tattoos, which seems almost random but in many cases do hold personal significance for the person on whose skin these kinds of tattoos inscribed.
Some main stream tattoos
Apart from these, there are some main stream tattoos which are hugely into fashion.
1. Five point crown prison tattoos

This kind of tattoos features a five point crown which is not just ordinary but signifies the priority of Latin king gang from Columbia. This tattoo stands on with a long story behind it and is inscribed in prison itself with just needles and poor ink. The tattoo is inscribed mostly on hands and is often accompanied by the letters ALKN which is symbolic to the almighty Latin king’s nation. This represents number 5. The crown prison tattoo means one of the biggest Hispanic gangs in the US that originated in 1940’s Chicago. This is quite popular even today.
2. The Aryan brotherhood tattoo

This is quite unique kind of prison tattoo which essentially a gang of Caucasian male believers
on neo Nazi ideology. They consider Hitler as their hero and are quite acquainted to love the
white supremacy. These tattoos stand to symbolize brotherhood and consist of a swastika “AB”
written in gothic font and a Celtic knot and even a number 1488. Before considering donning
these cool prison tattoos, it’s important to know the capability of turning it into an easily
identifiable matter for Mexican and African American gangs.
3. Tear drop tattoos

It’s quite common type worn by the plethora of inmates globally. These are like small drops of tears which are designed in the form being falling from the eye. This is widely recognized in the best designs that people are getting done on their body. This kind of tattoo simply implies the pain of separation of love birds and can be interpreted as a symbol of long standing revenge. This can be depicted as a murder conviction.
4. Prison gun tattoos
Guns and crime are closely related and especially in America. The weapons like guns stand dangerous, risky as well as tough to handle. The design is quite fascinating with creating mystery and charm that would turn the guns into a popular form of tattoo design. The designs of these gun tattoos ranges from pistols and sig sauers to that of semi automatics and rifles. Each of these
look different and means depending on the convict’s personal history relating to crime or any kind of interest in these kinds of tattoos.

5. Blood gang tattoos

This kind of tattoo is preferred mostly by contemporary gangs who tend to make their own identification marks. This just doesn’t reflect their ideology but also binds them as member of the gang as a common member. This kind of tattoo originated from the west Piru Street of Los Angeles and is good with developing such kind of tattooing culture. This generally contains alphabets, the cipher 13/13 or the letters OYBBQ that stands for blood. These tattoos are worn on any part of the body but are mostly seen on fore arm.
6. Three drops tattoo
This can be considered as a common kind of prison tattoo which represents “mi vida loca” or can be translated as “my crazy life”. This is not denoting any particular gang but relates with the gang lifestyle. This can be designed on hands or around the eyes. In certain ways, it also carries some religious significance like it represents Christianity’s holy trinity. This is often created with use of stick and poke method which requires rudimentary tools.

7. Mexican mafia tattoos

This kind of tattoo is quite active in California and the mafia is divided into two groups namely the surenon and the nortenos each of them sporting a distinctive tattoo design. The surenos wear tattoos have been numbered 13 in roman or that of Aztec numerals that is carved on them. But the nortenos wear tattoos that are numbered 14 in Arabic. These tattoos are adorned by both of these incredible designs that are initials MS and tres puntos.
8. Gang tattoos
These gang tattoos encrypts gangs consisting of hardened convicts who wear similar kind of tattoos to maintain their loyalty and affiliation that is still unquestioned. To feel fasionist, the gang tattoos should maintain their essentiality of survival and avail special privileges within the confines of the prison. These are available in different sets of tattoos and most of these are
centered on certain number with specific images and infinity symbol.

9. Playing cards tattoo

These are unique with their designs being originated from Russian prison which has secured proper space among the best of prison tattoos globally. These symbolize how their lives have been turned into a gamble and each passing day is dealing with a bad hand. The prisoners are free to choose their own design from the 52 cards of standard deck and each specific card symbolizes their criminal history with their future prospective.